Sustainability is a design opportunity
Over the past 50 years, our global economy has become dependent on plastics that are destroying our planet. This material isn’t inherently bad but how it’s used now is devastating. 3D printing is a technology that is rapidly evolving design and manufacturing. It also holds great promise in the area of sustainability, offering flexibility in your choice of input. As a team, we firmly believe that this tool can help stem the tide of plastic pollution and unlock new possibilities for communities and creators everywhere.
Modern technology owes ecology an apology
Plastics are a family of compounds defined by their malleability, the ability to be molded into an infinite array of solid objects. Since the 1930’s, these materials have delivered positive economic benefits in a host of areas from packaging to electrical components. Unfortunately, its creators scarcely considered the environmental impact of this breakthrough and as a result, most plastics have a fatal design flaw. They don’t disappear.
A global economy addicted to plastics that destroy our planet
Over the past 50 years, plastic production surged from 15 million tonnes in 1964 to 391 million tonnes in 2022. A shocking 91% of plastic produced is not recycled and over 95% of all plastic is produced from chemicals sourced in fossil fuels. This material typically has a product life cycle of less than a year but lives on for centuries, polluting our urban areas or natural habitats and consequently, our food supply. If we don’t tackle this profound problem now, the consequences for ecology and mankind will be irreversible.
A commercial solution that is collaborative and scalable
To tackle a complex challenge, we have to approach it from every angle. While we need to rapidly eliminate the unnecessary use of plastic, we also need to create an effective after-use economy for plastics that can be sustainable if properly managed. The importance of this is summarised excellently in a report created by the Ellen Macarthur Foundation,The New Plastics Economy. The Reflow vision is to create a high value application in 3D printing for recycled plastics that can support and grow the recycling ecosystem while fuelling creativity and enterprise.